would deride the vision of those girls who choose to stay at home and
prepare for being a wife to a man and a mother of children. We're seen
as lazy, and purposeless, and idle-- while our counterparts are
attending college and beginning careers in the wide world.
we can begin to become lax -- it is so easy to let ourselves live a
smooth life. To stop striving. To take this season of our lives to
ourselves-- after all, we don't have a family to care for yet, and we do
enough with helping keeping our parent's households running, don't we?
It's okay if we are soft on ourselves, for after all, there's no young
man on the horizon, and af-----
Girls, listen to me. If those girls who are going into the work force
are pouring these years into hard study and preparation.... to get a
_job_?.... shouldn't we maybe..... take our preparation even more
seriously? We're not just trying to gain skills to earn money. We're
right now learning to become queens of our own households. We will have
souls to train and mouths to feed and bodies to care for. We will have
households to run and businesses to look after and our husband's vision
to assist. It will be our responsibility to see our families taken care
of the best way possible.
a career girl is putting in long hours of college for her future job,
we should be throwing our whole selves into learning every skill we
possibly can to best care for our husbands and children 'someday'.
Believe me, 'someday' is so, so close. You can't afford to lose the time
you have now.
You can't.